My Erdős number
The Erdős number, honouring the late Hungarian mathematician Paul Erdős, is a way of describing the "collaborative distance" between a person and Erdős, as measured by authorship of mathematical papers. In order to be assigned an Erdős number, an author must co-write a mathematical paper with an author with a finite Erdős number. Paul Erdős is the one person having an Erdős number of zero. If the lowest Erdős number among all coauthors of a person is k, then that person's Erdős number is k + 1.
My Erdős number is 2, and therefore highly unlikely to decrease, because of the following two papers:
Minimal dominating sets in graph classes: combinatorial bounds and enumeration
Jean-François Couturier, Pinar Heggernes, Pim van 't Hof and Dieter Kratsch.
Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 487, pp. 82-94, 2013.
Extremal results in cochromatic and dichromatic theory
Paul Erdős, John Gimbel and Dieter Kratsch.
Journal of Graph Theory, vol. 15, pp. 579-585, 1991.
Unfortunately, my Bacon number is undefined, as I have yet to appear in a movie. My former landlord's son is a film director though, so perhaps one day I will be assigned a finite Bacon number (as well as a finite Erdős-Bacon number)...